Full-Stack Developer

photo of Nate in Mt Rainier National Park


I remember cobbling my first programs together in Microsoft Visual Basic twenty years ago, losing myself in the limitless creative potential while struggling with my limited knowledge. In many ways, programming is still like that for me today. The desire to solve puzzles and build elegant and useful applications drives me through any roadblocks and error responses.

That passion for programming, first found all those years ago, was rekindled early in 2020. Like many of us, I found myself quarantined at home while a pandemic played out around us. What a remarkable opportunity to begin coding again! Through App Academy curriculum, independent projects, and working up mocks of existing apps, I developed my skills in Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, SQL, Javascript, React, Redux, and beyond.

Now, with a portfolio under my arm and a fresh set of sharpened tools, I seek to join a team of programmers in developing and implementing applications. My professional experience in high-paced teams with an emphasis on collaboration and flexibility allow me to bring to bear a determined, cooperative, and adaptive work ethic to software development.

When I am not coding, you will often find me spending time with my partner and our animals, reading a good sci-fi novel, or watching one of our favorite twitch streams.
